About Us
We provide access to a world of adventure for dogs and dog lovers, by providing to dogs and their humans an expanding line of eco friendly dog accessories and sustainable dog toys purpose built for exploring the great outdoors so that dogs and their humans can celebrate the unparalleled beauty of their natural world while bringing no harm to the environments through which they tread.
The adventure begins
Doggyecon’s journey to become an eco friendly pet brand began with a personal passion for the environment. Taking our own dogs for beach adventures and hikes led to the realisation that a lot of the equipment we were using with our dogs was not eco friendly – it incorporated a lot of nylon, synthetic rubber and polyester.
The problem was that when searching for eco friendly dog accessories, all we could find was natural cotton. Something that would be destroyed by our dog’s active outdoor lifestyle in mere seconds! We needed something that was not only eco friendly, but durable and purpose built for our adventures.We needed something that would enable our dogs to play dirty while keeping the planet clean!
Hence Doggyecon began. A combined love of protecting the natural environment while enjoying everything it has to offer with our dogs by our side.